Friday, April 3, 2015

Game: Marker Boards

I think that using Marker Boards as a learning tool is one of the most versatile thing I have. Some kids love the marker boards, they can draw, write, erase, use the pretty colors, and yeah, it has this smell... I had a student who straight up told me, "They're not really a game." Well, yes, but the others don't know that!

I got my marker boards from Target a few years ago and they've help up alright enough. I bought them to replace older boards that the backs could be written on - but not erased. Sure, a few of them had silly stuff (a blob with "I am the orange potato God" written next to it, or "Miss W talks a lot," which, admittedly, I do) but after one of the boards had something highly inappropriate about me on it (yes, a direct attack. Rated X) I figured it was time to replace the boards. The boards I got had the wipe off finish on both sides - no more permanent messages on the back!
Low odor, HA!
I buy markers through the school. We actually do have a small budget to make purchases with. And I only need to buy new markers every 2-3 years. The erasers are the hard part. When I inherited my classroom, there was an old, smelly plastic bag filled with about a dozen red rags. Certainly not a class set. I ended up finding a bunch of cheap, thin gloves on sale (50 cents a pair!) and use those. I do wash the rags and gloves at least twice a year. Unfortunately, messages can be left on the gloves, but luckily the kids have been good and have just decorated them with designs or written their names. Washing them just fades their work, so I guess as long as it stays appropriate, we're good.

It's important to still have rags as an option. Some kids just can't imagine using the same glove as someone previous. But if I want them to participate, they have to erase with something. The rags were also used as a messaging system. I simply throw away the ones that were too inappropriate. I still have plenty left.

I use marker boards for everything. Vocab, grammar, drawing, writing, it handles it all. I offer it as an option for the end of chapter review day, and it's great because 2 of the other games I offer are games I can leave the kids alone with, and then I can lead those who want to play with the marker boards. Super easy! And kids actually do enjoy handing the supplies out. Well, it could just be that they love having control over whether someone gets the color marker they want.

Update 12/17/15: So, all of my students have iPads this year, so in lieu of marker boards, they use the Notability app ($3.99, but we all use it so much, the school bought a license and it's pre-loaded on the iPads.) Just make sure that they make the font size big so you can see what they wrote/drew even if they are sitting in the back of the room. And if they change the background color on the app, that they use a font color that stands out.
Notability App icon

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