Monday, March 23, 2015

Game centered classroom

I know that I teach High School, but I think that playing a lot of games in class is really important. High School students are told time and again that it's time to get serious, preparation for college is very important, they're practically adults. I like to think of my class as their fun, relaxing class within a day of more serious, focused classes. But we do a lot of learning too! Although we don't play games every day, I like to make sure that there is some kind of relaxing, non-teacher led component to each day. Plus, Spanish teachers are stereo typically the crazy teachers, right?

I have a lot of go-to games. My students are highly opinionated about which games they like and dislike. Every game is usually split down the middle, unfortunately. You can't please them all!

So I think I will post a game at a time, and post links here as an all-inclusive list of games I use in my classroom. I hope some are new, though others may be repeats for some people.

Pesca (Go Fish)
Bomba (kind of like Minesweeper)
Barco de Batalla (Battleship)
Matamoscas (Flyswatter)
Deal or No Deal
ZAP! (Bazinga)
Tengo (Bingo)
Marker Boards

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